Under The Drones
Modern Lives in the Afghanistan-Pakistan Borderlands
Edited by Shahzad Bashir
Robert D. Crews

افغان مدرن
رابرت د. کروز
Book Chapters
‘Sellers of the Homeland’: Narratives of Treason and Fidelity in Afghanistan,” in Enemies Within: The Global Politics of Fifth Columns, eds. Harris Mylonas and Scott Radnitz (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022).
“New Publics and the Challenge of Peace in Afghanistan,” in In Search of Peace for Afghanistan: Historical Letters of President Najibullah and Dr. M. Hassan Kakar: A Collection of Essays, ed. Jawan Shir Rasikh (Kabul: Kakar History Foundation Press, 2021), 175-188.
“Muslim Networks, Imperial Power, and the Local Politics of Qajar Iran,” Asiatic Russia: Imperial Power in Regional and International Contexts, ed., Uyama Tomohiko (London: Routledge, 2012), 174-188.
“An Empire for the Faithful, A Colony for the Dispossessed,” Cahiers d’Asie centrale no. 17/18: Turkestan russe: une colonie comme les autres?, ed., Svetlana Gorshenina and Sergei Abashin (Tashkent and Paris: Collection de l’IFEAC, 2009), 79-106.
“Introduction,” with Amin Tarzi, in The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan, 1-58.
“Moderate Taliban?” in The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan, 238-273.
“Epilogue: Afghanistan and the Pax Americana,” with Atiq Sarwari, in The Taliban and the Crisis of Afghanistan, 311-355.
“Empire and the Confessional State: Islam and Religious Politics in Nineteenth-Century Russia,” Russian-language version of American Historical Review article in Russkii sbornik vol. 2 (Moscow: Modest Kolerov, 2006).
“Civilization in the City: Architecture, Urbanism, and the Colonization of Tashkent,” Architectures of Identity in Russia, 1500-2000, ed., James Cracraft and Daniel Rowland (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2003), 117-132.
Journal Articles
“Who Are the Taliban?” Origins: Current Events in Historical Perspective, February 2022.
“The Challenge of Taliban Ideology for International Politics: Religious Competition, Counterterrorism, and the Search for Legitimacy.” Международная аналитика [Journal of International Analytics] 12, no. 4 (2021): 50–67.
“Mourning Imam Husayn in Karbala and Kabul: The Political Meanings of ʿAshura
in Afghanistan,” Afghanistan 3, no. 2 (2020): 202-236.
“Risking Democracy in Afghanistan: Voting, Violence, and the Struggle for Parliament,” Journal of International Affairs (online), October 19, 2018.
“Liberating Afghanistan,” Middle East Institute Viewpoints (December 2009): 75-78.
“Writing Europe’s Muslim Pasts,” European Studies Forum 38, no. 1 (Spring 2008): 5-11.
“Islamic Law, Imperial Order: Muslims, Jews, and the Russian State,” Ab Imperio
no. 3 (2004): 467-490.
“Empire and the Confessional State: Islam and Religious Politics in Nineteenth-
Century Russia,” American Historical Review 108, no. 1 (February 2003): 50-83.